While the word business model gained prominance in romantic relationship with e-business and the web from the 1990s onwards, it was not exclusively found in this context. Moreover, related concepts have appeared for longer in general management literature. Magretta (2002) refers to Peter Drucker’s ‘age-old questions’ when talking about what good business models are: Who’s the customer?
And what does the customer value? In his 1994 HBR article, Peter Drucker (1994) refers to the notion of a ‘theory of the business,’ which is very similar to the thought of organizations having a business model. Drucker’s theory of business refers the assumptions which a business has been built and is being run.
These assumptions shape any organization’s behavior, determine its decisions about what to do and what never to do, and determine what the business considers meaningful results. Drucker also warns that organizations run the risk that these assumptions no more fit reality which therefore their theory of the business no longer works. See also earlier content on Drucker’s Theory of Business and Humphrey’s TAM. Hamel, G. 2000. Leading the Revolution: How exactly to Thrive in Turbulent Times by causing Innovation a Way of Life. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Normann, R. 1977. Management for Growth. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
The Low Lifer: Imagine spending your daily life doing work for an institution of low prestige with the knowledge that, at a certain point, movement to better organizations was unlikely. The Lifer, in whatever form they take, is likely to relate themselves very closely with the educational campus and organization community they are part of.
The MBA: Ever meet one particular admissions officers who has an MBA? Perhaps having an MBA can help you read MBA applications, but did without it plenty. This will change Maybe, especially as the work market is not best for more typical uses of the degree. I assume few MBA applicants are motivated to pursue a lifetime career in academic admissions from the outset.
Assuming that applicants are going after an MBA for purposes of profession enhancement, what kind of message will get together the admissions officer/alumni send to them? The Spouse: She (maybe a he, but I have yet to meet one), became an admissions officer as a matter of convenience. The Business owner: Jealous of the fantastic lives and income of admissions consultants, The Business owner became an admissions official for the express reason for getting sufficient experience to really enter my business. This experience was a student adcom member Often. Please note, not absolutely all admissions consultants with admissions officer experience fit in this category.
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It applies only to some newbies. The Lucky Secretary: This is actually a dying breed, all are women (or at least 99%), who started their professions back the 1970s or 1980s as departmental secretaries or the same. They worked their way up into increasing degrees of responsibility. Not likely found at top schools anymore, but certainly out there.
The most famous example of this sort is not an MBA admissions official, but the former Dean of MIT, who acquired no university degree and “fabricated her own educational credentials.” She actually is an undergraduate admissions consultant now. America is indeed a land of second chances. The Failed Academic: His / her PhD may or might not be complete, however the admissions gig beats working at Starbucks, shelving books at the library, or leaving the university. The Failed Academic can be found throughout the entire administrative structure of nearly every university in the US.