Technology For Learning 1

Technology For Learning

Here are some pictures of a walk through the nearby Morikami Japanese Gardens, right down the street from where I am staying in Delray Beach, FL. I’ll also include one of the Delray Beach to bring some ray of comfort to my friends up North. How the Canadians do it in the winter, I don’t know, for weekly or two in December-January, but each time I drop here, I notice more and more plates from Ontario and the Canadian provinces. My first label to participate in the Sunshine challenge appeared from Calgary high school teacher, Pamela Hunniset; check her “”Spreading the Sunshine” post for more information.

The second came about seven days later from Wamogo High School English Department Chair Colette Bennett, hailing from the northwest part of Connecticut. You can read her Sunshine Award post following this hyperlink: “Zero Degrees F, Spreading the Sunshine”: just that title reminds me of how lucky I am to be in Southern sunshine.

It’s funny how in today’s world we often meet people online before we do in person. I met both Pamela and Colette face-to-face at the fall 2013-National Council of Teachers of English Convention in Boston. Pamela from last year’s Educational Technology MOOC, spearheaded by the University of Regina Professor Alec Couros, who was main people I followed on Twitter.

  • Grow our existence through social mass media platforms
  • The system came into operation in April 2010
  • Finding a right niche market in the market
  • ▼ November (4) HOW EXACTLY TO Install & Test Firefox Os On Pc [easy]

Although Colette shows not definately not where I am in CT, we fulfilled at the Council of English Leadership opening program at NCTE. She tapped on me on the shoulder and launched herself after we heard Eric Sheninger’s dynamic Opening Address about the energy of social mass media. We promised to meet in our home condition again. For Pamela way up in Calgary, the last time I was up there is for a Calgary Stampede and to camp in Banff and Jasper National Parks.

Hope to make the trip again, though more likely, I’ll find Pamela at a specialist conference. As for the “rules” of the Sunshine Awards, I like how Pamela framed them in her post “Spreading the Sunshine.” Thus, I am mimicking what she does here. 1. Acknowledge the nominating blogger & let her or him know when you complete your post. 2. Share 11 random factual statements about yourself.

3. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger authored for you. 4. List 11 bloggers to pass along the challenge. 5. Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let all of them know they have been nominated. 6. And Pamela added criterion, which is advice: embed links and visuals that personalize the post.