Annotating a poem is certainly not an exercise in futility. Many students “hate” reading poetry because they think they do not understand the art form or the actual poem means. But annotations can help anyone find meaning in a poem. Poems are subjective and take on a different connotation for every reader therefore. It really is when someone tries to impart his / her meaning on another person as the only interpretation that people can get switched off by poetry.
With annotations, you can at least come to have an appreciation for what’s written in the poem and the stylistic elements used. Here is an example of my annotations for “Sonnet 75” by Edmund Spenser. Figure 1 shows the printed poem with annotations. These annotations were computer produced, as this annotation process was submitted for a course assignment originally. Since this is the end product of the assigned work, it could not be assumed the professor would understand what my annotations meant.
As such, a key, similar to the kind used for maps, was included. ” to undo the previous action. This preserved me from having to print out a fresh duplicate of the poem and start over again. I could easily duplicate the annotation in virtually any place in the poem by using duplicate and paste.
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” Complicated icons were easy to duplicate without variance in the display. Smaller markings that would be impossible by hand were easy almost. Imagine tracing over just one letter every right time you wanted to indicate internal rhyme or use color coding. It had been easy to save a copy anywhere for future reference, like because of this hub. Any learning pupil that is asked to go through the annotation process often amazing things why. As stated above, annotations help bring attention to or comment on a word, phrase, connection, or any facet of the writing that the writer finds interesting, of note, or of potential importance.
Just taking a look at a poem in dark and white will not make many aspects of style or devices stick out. So how exactly does that poem mean? The difference in these questions often confuse students. All you need to know for is that you cannot answer the second question without annotations now; however, you merely need an opinion to answer the first question.
You can see if there is a regular interval for the utilization of certain devices, like rhyme and repetition to emphasize the theme of the poem. Does the punctuation used to say something about the speaker of the poem? Hesitant, disruptive, self-confident, rambling, etc.? For example, a lot of end-stopped lines could be symbolic of someone that has complete thoughts, whereas a lot of enjambment could sign a loudspeaker without restraint. If there is only a one-time occurrence of a tool or certain punctuation or word being utilized, is the poet and/or speaker aiming to draw specific focus on it? If so, does this help to progress the theme or another aspect of the poem?
Of course the list is much for how annotations can help anyone find meaning in a poem. To observe how annotations become learning what and how a poem means, click here to see a good example of an essay that brings each one of these elements together. Stephanie Bradberry is and foremost an educator and life-long learner first. Her present work is really as an herbalist, naturopath, and energy healer. She spent over ten years as a professor of English, Literature, Education, and Business so that as a high college English teacher.