In a report of mice, the experts found that weight loss occurs due to a reduction in key pancreatic enzymes that normally help break down food. When the experts treated these mice with alternative enzymes, these were surprised to find that as the mice do weight regain, they did not survive any more than untreated mice.
Vander Heiden and Brian Wolpin, an associate professor of medication at Harvard Medical Dana-Farber and School Cancer tumor Institute, will be the senior writers of the scholarly research, which appears in the June 20 issue of Nature. The paper’s lead authors are Laura Danai, a former MIT postdoc, and Ana Babic, an instructor in medicine at Dana-Farber. In the 2014 study, Vander Heiden and his colleagues discovered that muscle begins to break very early in pancreatic cancer tumor patients down, long before every other signals of the condition show up usually.
Still unknown was how this tissue-wasting process occurs. One hypothesis was that pancreatic tumors overproduce some kind of signaling factor, like a hormone, that circulates in the promotes and blood stream break down of muscle and excess fat. However, in their new study, the MIT and Dana-Farber analysts found that this was not the entire case. Instead, they found out that even very tiny, early-stage pancreatic tumors can impair the production of key digestive enzymes. Mice with these early-stage tumors lost weight even though they ate the same amount of food as normal mice. These mice were unable to digest all their food, so they went into a starvation mode where the body starts to break down other tissues, fat especially.
The researchers discovered that when they implanted pancreatic tumor cells somewhere else in the body, this weight reduction did not take place. That suggests the tumor cells aren’t secreting a weight-loss factor that circulates in the blood stream; instead, they only promote tissue losing when they may be in the pancreas. The analysts explored whether reversing this weight reduction would improve success then. Treating the mice with pancreatic enzymes did reverse the weight loss. However, these mice actually survived for a shorter period of time than mice that acquired pancreatic tumors but did not receive the enzymes. That finding, while surprising, is constant with studies in mice that have shown that calorie restriction can have a protective effect against cancers and other diseases.
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The intriguing findings from the mouse research prompted the study team to see if they could find any connection between weight reduction and success in human being patients. Within an evaluation of medical blood and records samples from 782 patients, they found no hyperlink between the amount of tissue throwing away at the right time of medical diagnosis and length of survival. That finding is important because it could reassure patients that weight loss does not indicate that the patient can do worse, Vander Heiden says.
The analysts say that more study is needed to see whether the same mechanism they discovered in mice is also taking place in human tumor patients. Because the system they found is very specific to pancreatic tumors, it could change from the underlying causes behind tissues wasting observed in other types of cancer and diseases such as HIV.
There was no concern of risk. The prospect of increased life expectancy, improvement in diseases, and better standard of living had not been even discussed. One day you qualified. The very next day you didn’t. The only area of expertise centers and “aggressive” doctors were regularly operating on these old patients. In medicine, way more in bariatric surgery maybe, things are in flux constantly, and people started looking at the risks associated with operating on older patients. In 2006, The American Surgeon featured articles that viewed 1,339 weight-loss procedures performed on people over the age of 60 at academic centers.
As expected, old patients got a higher complication rate and the threat of death somewhat, but the risk was noted to be less than other comparable surgeries on similar age ranges. Another newer study confirmed this finding as well. A scholarly study that originated from the Cleveland Medical clinic in Weston, Florida examined the consequences of weight- reduction surgery on 42 patients all around the age group of 70 at the time of their procedure. What should you do if you are over 60 and desire weight-loss surgery? You should become though you are 40 and want a weight loss surgery. The only path to see if you qualify is to be examined by a bariatric physician.